德国见闻94weipingdong blog 现代化与古旧化只在于人的印象是否文明

    我跟女儿xiaofan 从乌尔姆乘坐火车到司徒加特时间,已经是晚上,我对于司徒加特的第一印象还是一种古老的印象,尽管女儿xiaofan告诉我说这是一个德国的重要城市,这里聚集了许多德国汽车工业的包括奔驰的总部。

    my daughter and i took the train from ulm to situjiate's time, it was evening, and my first impression of situjiate was an old impression.although my daughter told me that this is an important city in germany, there are many german auto industries, including the headquarters of the benz.


    situjiate's night is a blaze of light, but all the lights and streetlights in the building, and rarely see the neon lights of the lights, go to the street and hear the sound of the church bells.i don't know whether the church bell is the time or the call.


    the bells i heard in paris were on the scale but situjiate's bells were irregular. i don't know how the bell was struck, and the sound was very loud.i think if this is the time, the night is not too loud?could be a kind of performance impact, right?


    you can see situjiate's light is very natural, the sunshine is as mild as the light, and the street lights are very beautiful the old streets are coming and going. the totem of the benz headquarters, the totem symbol felt like a silver moon spinning.


    seeing the night of the big city of germany, i feel that modernization is the advance of one idea, which is based on the system of science and morality.how can humans be modern, according to the christian theory, that human beings get rid of barbarism and discipline, enter the equal freedom of law, and enter civilization, and civilization is the crystallization of a cultural improvement.this is how modern and ignorant are different.


    modern thought of as the modern way of living life the way, is primarily a comparison of ideas, not just made up the modernization of production


    anyway, the modernization progress of the human mind emancipation, human thoughts to imprison the old backwards. not just measured by the time the modernization of human beings, can only use contrast.advances in contrast to the uninformed. is a sign of the times.





    a little light

    on behalf of thought

    progress of ignorance

    only under the impressionm.