德国见闻 95 weipingdong blog 艺术存在于自然也是一种自然的理念


    in paris we were supposed to go to a museum of natural history, but this museum has to buy tickets. we can't use universal ticket, there are a lot of people outside the museum of natural museum.we saw another qishi museum, a big black stone outside the museum, and i was surprised to ask shanshan and xiaofan what kind of stone is this?they say this is a meteorite that does not look like a rock on earth.i was surprised to say: ah!paris is so rich, it's not afraid to throw a meteorite at the gate in such a big day!

    shanshan 跟xiaofan很平常的说:巴黎人就这样!我一想也是,我们进卢浮宫的时候就拿着一张通票进去的,看了这么多的珍贵藏品几乎就等于免费,在德国跟法国都是这样的大家气派,对于教育跟文化的态度非常开放,我们在国内要进故宫看哪怕一副珍品恐怕也非常不容易,所以感觉德国法国人是浸泡在文化的大海中,难怪出了这么多伟大的思想家跟艺术家。

    shanshan and xiaofan are it is very common to say: this is what the parisian do!i think so. when we went into the louvre, we went in with a day ticket. it was almost free to see so many precious collections, in germany and france.the attitude of education and culture is very open, we have to look at the imperial palace at home, even if it is not easy to see one of the treasures, so it feels that the german french are soaked in the culture of the seano wonder so many great thinkers and artists.


    in the german museum, even the paintings of great painters are free to watch, and some big companies have set up their own museum, and xiaofan tells me that there is a car museum in stuttgart.all are free to visit, the young people are exposed to the culture and history with a kind of respect.


    shanshan took me to the shiwabenhaer museum, and i even saw some nazi artifacts, and there was a hitler painting.the young children were brought to visit the museum by the school teacher, of course, to respect the textbooks, and in germany it was illegal to preach the nazis.but the preservation of history is seeking truth from facts.


    i once told my relatives and friends that art education is the most expensive education, so the average family can't learn, if a painter and a pianist's optical fee is astronomical.it doesn't have to be a success.





    stone art

    heart want to find

    art esthetic

    natural philosophym.